Protect Your Shop: eCommerce Fraud Prevention Tips 

One of the biggest fears new eCommerce website owners have is the worry of losing money to fraud attempts. This is a legitimate concern but not one that should stop you from participating in the online marketplace.  In my nearly 30 years of internet experience, including 16 direct years leading three different companies and four […]

Growing Your Brand with Ecommerce Merchandising

One of the biggest challenges of ecommerce versus brick-and-mortar is the sensory experience ecommerce simply cannot provide. As a result, ecommerce brands need to reach their audience and present their goods and services in other ways. That is where ecommerce merchandising comes in.   What is Ecommerce Merchandising?  Ecommerce merchandising boils down to showcasing and promoting […]

Targeting Your Local Audience

A successful company knows their brand inside and out. They know their value proposition and their target markets and offer products and services those markets demand. But that is all for naught if no one outside the company has ever heard of them.   Remember the concept of ‘think global, act local’? Your brand should be […]

Using Humanization to Boost Sales and Customer Relationships

In today’s cutthroat business world, companies are constantly vying for their customers’ attention. This is even more challenging in the eCommerce space, where just about anyone can set up shop and it’s even harder to set a brand apart. To distinguish themselves from the competition, brands must go above and beyond to create personal connections […]

New Year’s Resolutions for eCommerce Sites 

The end of the year is a great time to take stock of what worked and what didn’t with your eCommerce site over the past 12 months as well as look forward to what you want to accomplish in the next 12. Want to crush it next year? The first step is to set goals. […]

Top eCommerce Blogs That Should Be On Your Radar

Want to become a successful online seller? Get reading! eCommerce blogs are a great way to learn about all the latest and greatest (and not-so-greatest) tools, news, and trends. They are also a good way to remind yourself you are not alone in facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with more and more […]

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday

The weekend following Thanksgiving is by far the biggest shopping weekend of the year. According to Adobe Analytics, 2022 reported the biggest Black Friday yet. In addition to that, the National Retail Federation also reported a 2% rise to show that more than 130 million people purchased products through ecommerce stores during that timeframe.   With […]

Positioning Your Product: How to Create Effective Product Pages

It’s an E-commerce world. If you want to be competitive, you need to utilize the right tools to make your brand stand out. A vital aspect of that is showcasing your products in the best possible light online. And that means creating a perfect product page. To do that, you need three vital factors:  Sounds […]

Humanizing Your Brand

In today’s competitive marketplace, it is crucial for all enterprises to prioritize forging meaningful connections with customers and prospects by personalizing interactions.  Humanizing your brand serves two main goals in your business: it is what initially engages potential customers, and it is also what retains them. You need to win relationships if you want to […]

Mapping the Customer Journey to Maximize Sales 

In order to create the best possible experience for every customer, it’s important to gain a thorough understanding of the path they take before, during, and after the purchase of a product or service on your website. This is known as the customer journey. By mapping out the customer journey, you’ll have a visual representation […]