Surprising Statistics About eCommerce Marketing Strategies

All About eCommerce Marketing Like with any business, marketing is essential when you sell products online. In order to sell your products, you need to market your business so people will be aware of your brand. Strong marketing campaigns across different formats can help any online business find success if they are planned out properly. […]

Tax Season for Online Sellers: How Can You Prepare for It?

Paying Taxes in eCommerce Businesses The end of January marks the start of tax season, and it’s important to be prepared. Just like any physical retailer, online sellers must be ready to file their tax returns. Paying your taxes is extremely important, because your business could run into trouble with the IRS if you fail […]

Keep Driving Sales After the Holidays Conclude

Keeping a Steady Pace The holiday season is a key period for online sellers, since this is when sales tend to peak over the course of the year. Thanks to an abundance of sales and marketing campaigns, most companies see major profits during this time. However, once this period ends things must go back to […]

eTail 101: Ways to Find Your Target Audience

Finding the Right People To Sell To It is difficult for online sellers to succeed if they do not know who they are selling their products to. Marketing costs a lot of money, and you cannot waste that money trying appeal to every single type of shopper. Some people may not be interested in your […]

Start Preparing for Black Friday & Cyber Monday Now

Getting Ready for the Biggest Shopping Days Out of all the shopping days, Cyber Monday and Black Friday rank among the most important days for online sellers. Over the span of a few days, millions of shoppers will be looking out for the best deals they can get on products being sold online. Lots of […]

The Top Holiday eCommerce Trends For 2018

Popular Trends for the Holiday Season The holiday season is quickly approaching, and online sellers are already preparing for the influx of holiday shoppers. If you are preparing for the holiday shopping season, it might be a good idea to get an idea of how this shopping season will be different from last year’s. Prepare […]

How Product Photos & Videos Influence Consumer Purchasing

Showing Off Your Product to Consumers In the business of selling products online, the quality of your product page is a key factor in how well your products perform. While a product’s description will help show what it can do, visuals such and photos and videos also influence shoppers. High quality visuals can directly show […]

Hook, Line & Sinker: Simple Ways to Keep Buyers Engaged

Keeping Customers Engaged During Slower Months For online sellers, the summer is one of the most challenging periods to get through. The weather tends to be very nice during the summer, which means a lot of people are going to be spending more time outside. Since people are spending more time outside, sales for online […]

eTail 101: How to Implement Chatbots Onto Your Site

eTail 101: How to Implement Chatbots Onto Your Site

Implementing Chatbots Reaps Major Benefits One trend that has become increasingly popular in the business of online selling is the implementation of chatbots. These computer programs can communicate with other people via a chat interface, similar to texting on a smartphone. Chatbots are programmed in a way that allows them to find a natural and […]

Customer Spotlight: Office Supply America

Meet Office Supply America Located in San Antonio, Texas, Office Supply America is a major supplier of office supplies, office furniture, and computer supplies. The company was not satisfied with the platform it was using previously, and it wanted a new website that had more flexibility. This ultimately led to the company partnering with Logicblock […]