Improving Online Sales During the Back-to-School Shopping Season

Improving Online Sales During the Back-to-School Shopping Season

How to Push School Supplies Online shoppers are getting ready to buy supplies for the upcoming school year. Online sales of school supplies generated more than $58.1 billion in 2018, making this one of the most popular shopping periods of the year. It would be wise to have a good strategy in place if you plan to sell […]

Performing eCommerce Site Audits: How to Optimize Your Website

Conducting an eCommerce Audit Anyone who operates an online store should be always be looking for ways to make optimizations. Any website that is not well optimized will not rank well on search engines, and will not perform as well as it can.   If your website is not doing well, it might be a good idea […]

Seasons Change: Tips & Tricks for Capitalizing on Seasonal Products

Selling Your Seasonal Wares Certain items you sell are more desirable during specific seasons, and this is something you need to stay on top of if you want to maximize profits. For example, school supplies sell the best in late summer and early fall, while snow gear sells the best during winter. By making the […]

Why You Should Be Encouraging Customers to Review Products

Getting Shoppers to Leave Reviews The importance of online reviews cannot be understated for eCommerce business owners. When a product has positive reviews, customers are more inclined to buy it, since it is clear that others think highly of it. In addition, reviews can also help you improve your site’s search rank, since they show […]

A Guide to Strong Search Engine Optimization in eCommerce

How to Optimize Your Site’s Content As an online seller, search engine optimization (SEO) should be one of your top priorities. You need to optimize your content so specific pages have a better chance of ranking higher on search engines like Google. A higher rank nets you better visibility, which will make it easier for […]

The Importance of Loyalty: Crafting the Perfect Rewards Program

The Importance of Loyalty: Crafting the Perfect Rewards Program

Loyalty is Key in eCommerce A key component of selling products online is enticing shoppers to buy from you multiple times. Research has shown that the majority of your sales come from customers who frequently visit your storefront, so keeping them happy should be a top priority. A smart way you can keep people around […]

Instagram Tools You Can Use to Advertise Your Business

Using Instagram for Marketing Social media platforms can be used to improve brand awareness, and to market your online business to a wider audience. At the moment, one of the most popular social media platforms is Instagram.  Online sellers have found success here, primarily because the idea of sharing images online complements the process of selling products […]

Customer Spotlight: Day to Day Essentials

Working with Day to Day Located in Fairfield, NJ, Day to Day Essentials is one of many companies that is partnered with Logicblock. After struggling with its initial website launch, the company’s founders took interest in our 7cart system, and a partnership grew from there. Learn more about Day to Day, and see how the […]

How to Run Contests & Giveaways That Get You Fantastic Promotion

Promoting Your Business Through Giveaways One of the simple facts of life is that people like to get free stuff, especially when the things being given away are of relatively good quality. Online sellers have caught wind of this, and have learned to use contests and giveaways to promote their businesses. Giveaways can drum up […]

Improving Navigation: Help Your Customers Find What They Want

Helping Customers Get Around There are several elements behind a well-designed website, and navigation ranks as one of the most important ones. If customers cannot easily find what they are looking for, you will have trouble making a lot of sales. Making an easy-to-navigate website can be a bit tricky, because not everyone can use […]