Is Covid-19 Shifting Consumer Spending to eCommerce?

The onset of COVID-19 has felt like the wild, wild west in just about every aspect of business (and life, for that matter). There’s no telling what the future will hold, but for right now, the lockdown has caused consumers to shift their spending over to eCommerce considerably.   While many consumers were choosing to shop […]

How Is Covid-19 Affecting eCommerce?

The world is reeling from the effects of living through COVID-19, and so are many businesses.  Not all the changes have been negative, though. In fact, with people spending more time online than ever before, eCommerce sales are actually up 25%.  This spike came from very targeted spending related to lifestyle changes from the virus.  Other eCommerce […]

Improving Brand Recognition: How to Build a Stronger Public Image

Strategies for Spreading Brand Awareness As you focus on retaining and satisfying your existing customers, you should be thinking about ways to attract new customers. The online space gets more competitive each year, so you need to find new sources of revenue. In order to do this, you need to spread awareness for your brand.   By spreading the word about […]

6 Reasons You Should Use Logicblock’s 7cart Platform for Your Business

An Ideal Platform for Your Online Business For online sellers, finding the perfect platform to build a store on is crucial. In order to stay competitive, you need a robust platform that can be tailored to suit your industry. Logicblock’s 7cart system offers several advanced features, and can be used to design a site that […]

The Value of Customer Service, & Why It Should Be a Top Priority

Strong Customer Service is Vital In the age of digital shopping, it is crucial for eCommerce businesses to have a clear customer service plan. Shipping mishaps and other problems can occur at any time, so you need a team that can handle them efficiently. Being able to solve customers’ problems helps build loyalty, and makes […]

A Guide to Discounts: Lowering Your Prices Without Losing Profits

Reduce Prices, Without Reducing Profits One of the biggest double-edged swords in commerce is the price discount. On the one hand, discounts are great for enticing people to buy items that are stalling. And yet, if you rely on discounts too often your profits will take a significant hit. As a result, creating ideal sales […]

Make the Most of the Holidays: How to Avoid Some Common Mistakes

Make the Most of the Holidays: How to Avoid Some Common Mistakes

Do Not Let Simple Mistakes Trip You Up To say the holiday shopping season is important for online sellers would be an understatement. Millions of people will be shopping online to get presents and take advantage of sales, so you have the potential to make big profits. This is why you must start preparing as soon as possible.  […]

eTail 101: The Importance of Efficient Inventory Control & Management

Keeping Tabs on Your Inventory As an online business owner, you should always be thinking about inventory control and management. Inventory control is the process of making sure you have the right amount of stock to keep up with demand. You have to supervise the flow of products so you know which products are selling […]

Followers to Customers: How to Build Better Twitter Ads That Convert

Advertising on Twitter  Twitter is a popular tool for people looking to promote their businesses online. As of February 2019, the website has 321 million active users, so there are lots of people you can reach out to. Content moves fast on Twitter, so your goal is to create ads that both stand out and convert. Use this guide […]

A Guide to Homepage Conversions: Essential Elements to Include

Designing a Successful Homepage The homepage is the first thing most people will see when they visit your website. A well-designed homepage highlights the features of a business, and should offer users opportunities to explore the rest of the site. Without a good homepage, it will be difficult for you to convert people into paying customers.  Design your homepage with the following elements […]