Thank You For Choosing Logicblock

2020 Wrap Up: Thank You

2020 was one for the books. Regardless of industry or personal life, each one of us was impacted by living through a pandemic. At Logicblock, we saw the shift of consumer spending to eCommerce during the peak of the COVID pandemic. We watched as industries equipped for online shopping thrived, while others struggled to survive.   Our team has […]

Why Are eCommerce Wish Lists & Favorites Important?

Why Are eCommerce Wish Lists & Favorites Important?

Why Are eCommerce Wish Lists & Favorites Important? In today’s scatter-brained world, every minor convenience adds up. Offering wishlists and favorites allows your customers to quickly and easily recall their chosen purchases without the hassle of having to sift through your website.  Why Do You Need Product Lists?  According to a report on online shopping cart abandonment rate […]

How to Prepare Your Online Store for the 2020 Holiday Season

Prepare Your Online Store for the 2020 Holiday Season

The holiday season should be one of the most profitable times of the year for your online store.  But there’s no doubt about it, holiday shopping will look different in 2020. Get ahead of the curve and prepare now for a new kind of holiday shopping.  Improve Shipping & Deliveries Almost a year after the […]

Logicblock Partner Spotlight: Elite EXTRA

Logicblock Partner Spotlight: Elite EXTRA

Delivery Challenges Solved with Advanced Dispatch Technology Connecting with Logicblock, a robust and leading eCommerce technology solution, has allowed you to easily accept orders from customers, handle back-end operations, and create an easy buying environment for your customers.   Now it’s time to get the product into the hands of your customers quickly and efficiently.    Advanced dispatch technology […]

How To Price Products On Your Ecommerce Site

How To Price Products On Your Ecommerce Site

Product Pricing Guide There’s a lot to think through when managing an eCommerce site. Once you’ve learned how to attract visitors to your online store, you’ll need to make sure it’s well set up to convert them to customers. Having your products priced at the right amount will be one of the key factors that […]

How To Use Google Analytics On Your eCommerce Site

How To Use Google Analytics On Your eCommerce Site Google Analytics is exactly what it sounds like: a system, managed by google, that analyzes your website and shares the data with you.  Among other things, Google Analytics can tell you:  Your bounce rate  Who comes to your site (and what they do once they’re on it)  How […]

eTail 101: Understanding Bounce Rates & Reducing Them

eTail 101: Understanding Bounce Rates & Reducing Them

eTail 101: Understanding Bounce Rates & Reducing Them  Bounce rates are a part of your eCommerce site’s analytics. Understanding who visits your site and what they do when they arrive is vital to your site’s success. Ultimately, these insights will allow you to do the most important thing you can with your website: develop it so that […]

Creating Content for an eCommerce Blog: What Topics Are Best?

Creating Content for an eCommerce Blog: What Topics Are Best?

Creating Content for an eCommerce Blog: What Topics Are Best? With a seemingly never-ending to do list, many business owners overlook the importance of having a blog. This is a mistake! When done well, creating content for your eCommerce blog can drive sales, connect you with your customers and better establish your site in search […]

Partner Spotlight: CartStack’s Recovery Software

Partner Spotlight: Recovering Lost Sales Automatically with CartStack’s Recovery Software It’s no longer a surprise to hear stats like “75% of the shoppers that add items to their cart will abandon it” or “90% of your website visitors will never take any action”.   Unfortunately for some of us, cart abandonment is here to stay. We […]

Using Chatbots To Create An Engaging Customer Experience

Using Chatbots To Create An Engaging Customer Experience  When done properly, chatbots can be an extremely useful tool, connecting your customers with your products and services instantly.   With the onset of COVID-19, eCommerce is shifting. It has arguably never been more important to provide the best possible user experience for your customers.  While the most common way to […]